Living & Working

Purpose Over Profit

Is Wikipedia more useful than the Encyclopedia Britannica? It’s a difficult question to answer, with many ‘depends’. But there are a couple of factors which say that it is. For example: All these factors emerge from Wikipedia’s nature as a Free (public, open source) encyclopaedia, with many uses being made of it that weren’t in […]

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Living & Working

Qualifying for elections

Here’s a little thought experiment about less-than-free elections. I know we love the concept of letting everyone vote, letting everyone have their say in who runs the country. But the thing that frustrates a lot of voters, and hamstrings politicians, is the idiocy of the general public. If it wasn’t for this idiocy, then candidates […]

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Living & Working

The Five Whys of What You Do

In Warren Berger’s book Glimmer he talks about the Five Whys concept of the design company IDEO. It boils down to asking yourself ‘why’ you do something, and then asking ‘why’ you gave that answer, to the tune of five times. So, for example (from Glimmer): I think this example is a little forced, but the idea’s […]

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Living & Working

Thinking Aloud: Charity

A few friends and I have just started meeting up to shoot the breeze over a pint or two. It gives us a chance to throw some ideas around about any vague topics. It’s part “putting the world to rights” and part chance to listen. The rule is to let people speak, and to listen, […]

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