
The Flat Earth issue

The Flat Earth theory is having a renewed time in the Sun (which, of course, circles around it, and not vice versa). There’s a rapper in a Twitter fight with a scientist, and if that isn’t a clue that things are getting Real then I don’t know what is any more. I’m also reading a […]

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Our superiority over plants

Apparently, they’ve done experiments that show that plants can ‘communicate’ with each other. They can pass on information about the environment, and they can pass on carbon via fungal pathways underground. I learnt all this through an episode of the Seriously… BBC podcast called Is Eating Plants Wrong? Now, I know the title is just […]

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If WE’RE weird, how do we judge truth?

The most recent edition of Fortean Times (FT279) and an article on the Neuroanthropology Blog highlight a review from a mid 2010 issue of Brain and Behavioural Sciences. The review suggests that many psychological studies done over the past century are severely flawed, in that the test subjects were almost all Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich […]

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Proof of Psychic Cephalopods?

So, Paul the Octopus was right. 100% right. And that’s no-nonsense proof of a psychic animal, yes? Randi, are you there? Of course, the skeptics amongst us, and indeed the Forteans (such as myself) will not accept this as proof of anything. So that begs the question: what kind of thing will us twits accept […]

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Science | the Web

Worrying about loss of ‘authority’

Many academics and other professionals worry about social media and the loss of authority in other voices which often now have equal power. On the other hand, those ‘less authoritative’ voices are just the latest in a long history of people complaining how the ‘establishment’ fails to let others in. But the very reason that […]

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