the Web

Widening your influences

One thing the Internet is great for is helping you find stuff that you’ll like. You can get recommendations from the likes of Amazon based on what else you’ve bought, and there are countless tools out there for curating your own little drip-feed of information from the Web.

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Man Fingers and the Joys of Command-line Computing

Stephen Ramsey has written a series of articles about the advantages of typed interfaces, that is those programs which you use from the command line by typing instructions rather than clicking on ‘buttons’ with a mouse. His argument is that it’s a lot more convoluted to click, click, click, click, drag, click than to simply […]

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If WE’RE weird, how do we judge truth?

The most recent edition of Fortean Times (FT279) and an article on the Neuroanthropology Blog highlight a review from a mid 2010 issue of Brain and Behavioural Sciences. The review suggests that many psychological studies done over the past century are severely flawed, in that the test subjects were almost all Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich […]

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Reporters Sans Machines

Or what happens to a room full of journalism students when you start handing out typewriters. All on Paper was a project at Florida Atlantic University, and it involved a handful of 20-something trainee journalists turning off their iMacs and getting out the typewriters, TippEx, and photo-developing chemicals. This was technology older than they were, […]

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Why Choose Unconvenience?

So, an introduction is necessary. What is Unconvenient all about? Getting closer to the action The modern world is full of wonder: we have machines which can do almost anything for us, including wash our clothes, cook our food (then wash up), help us go to sleep, to wake up, to find our way around, […]

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the Web | Writing

Ebooks are not books, and books will live FOREVER!

Ebooks are not books. They’re not ‘electronic’ books. In the same way that MP3s are not vinyl and Second Life isn’t real life (who’da thunk?). The book industry is not moving to ebooks. The publishing industry is expanding from paper to electronic screens. The losers will be those who think they are moving to electronic […]

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the Web

Why we can’t let ebuying take over

All this ‘shopping shifting’ – from physical goods to electronic goods, and shopping in physical spaces to shopping from ‘wherever you are’ (i.e. via mobile phone web/app) – will further reduce the quality of the stuff we can buy.

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The Perfect OS is Hard to Find

I want an operating system that doesn’t define me. Or perhaps, one that defines me better. In a sense this is why I use Linux. I can make all manner of choices with it which reflect my personality when it comes to computer use. However, I don’t think it does it well enough.

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